Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Longarm inspiration

Early this morning I realized the paper towel holder had only 1 sheet left on the role. So I walked over to the cabinet, pulled out another roll. Now you have to realize it was only 5:45AM! I picked up the roll and as I placed it on the holder I saw the following:
bumpy feathers.....
oh my goodness!! Longarm inspiration at its best! LOL
Of all things for inspiration, a paper towel! I got a chuckle from myself!
Yesterday was wonderful!
I received some wonderful news about my first online video class with Annie's.
I figured out how to reconnect my wifi printer! And let me tell you that has been driving me nuts!
Made a wonderful dinner last night!
Worked on Dr. Donna's quilt project while watching tv.
I feel like great things happened yesterday.
It was good to be home.
Today: I will be sewing, and getting the laundry done.
Oh, yesterday afternoon I decided I needed to relax and watch some tv. This does not happen often. I turned on the tv and watched a few minutes of Dr. Oz. On the show he stated it was good to be messy. Ok, well here is what stuck with me: You don't have to make your bed as soon as you get out of it. Let the bed "air out", let the sheets dry so that the bed bugs don't have a feast...eeewww...but he was right...you should let your sheets air out for a while before you make the bed. I always thought it just helped the sheets smell better, you know? who knew it was cuz of those pesky little bed bugs (mites) that you don't want to talk about...still...eeewww. So when Dr. Oz was giving the explaination, I just thought, "why don't I just go vacuum the mattress while the sheets are in the washer/dryer" That made me feel a little better.
Happy Sewing!!

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